Greetings from the anti-war committees of the USA to the Committee for the Liberation of Palestine (Mexico)


To the Committee for the Liberation of Palestine
To all the Activists in Mexico who fight to build solidarity with Palestine

We humbly salute your important efforts to build solidarity with the palestinian people. Your valient efforts come at a critical time: Israel is carrying out genocidal repression against the palestinians of Gaza. Israel's declared intention is to drive all the palestinians out of Gaza and to murder all those who resist. The current brief pause in Israel's murderous bombing and the release of palestinian prisoners is clearly the result of the widespread outrage expressed in massive mobilizations to demand Israel stop its offensive and negotiate with Hamas for an exchange of hostages and palestinian political prisoners.
This concession by Israel is an important victory won through mass mobilizations around the world, of which stand out the recent and historic march in Mexico City.

But clearly a four-day pause in the bombing, though a welcome respite to the palestinians in Gaza, is not enough. Gaza and her people must be free! Free from bombing! Free from years of punishing siege! Free of Israel's iron cage!

And we must not overlook the ethnic cleansing of palestinian communities by Zionist thugs in the West Bank, which has accelerated rapidly with the latest IDF attack on Gaza and continues without pause!
Israel could not encircle and beseige Gaza nor carry out its genocidal offensive without being well armed and richly funded by US imperialism. President Biden, as much as the thug Netanyahu, has smeared himself with the blood of thousands of palestinian children.

The Mexico people, together with their central american and caribbean brothers and sisters, as well as their neighbors to the south, are painfully familiar with US imperialism, its interventions, invasions and occupations, its support with guns and money, for murderous repression by lackeys and proxies, and its racist border wall--similar to the wall around Gaza. The sieges take other forms but the results are comparable: sanctions that only deepen the misery of the Venezuelan people, a punishing blockade on Cuba--a terrible, decades-long crime against humanity!--and the misery of economic austerity packages in Mexico and throughout Latin America with terms dictated by US banks.

The long history of US invasions and occupations of the countries of the Caribbean and Latin America is colored red with the blood of atrocities and war crimes. The most recent was the murderous invasion of Panama, the truth of which still must be brought to the world's attention. For decades US imperialism imposed direct and bloody colonial rule in Haiti. To this day the haitian people continue to struggle, generation after generation, to win their right to freely determine their destiny against US imperialism.

For these reasons of history, your actions in Mexico are truly significant, your marches and meetings are part of a convergence of popular struggles by the oppresed around the world. The convergence is both urgently necessary and necessarily the result of the United States' decades-long dominant role in maintaining a global empire.Though US hegemony is weakening and challenged by competitor states seeking to build their own empires, regional and global, US imperialism remains the dominant power that maintains the socio-economic system of imperialism, a system that requires the subjugation of billions of human beings in order to guarantee the exploitation of humanity--and the destruction of our planet--for the benefit of the grotesquely rich.

For all the bloody wars Putin has waged against neighboring peoples, in the Caucasus, in Chechenya and in Ukraine, he cannot muster the power to maintain a world empire. China too has blood on its hands, genocide against the Uyghurs, repression of democracy in Hong Kong, and more terrifying ambitions, but its reach is still limited. Thus calls for solidarity for palestinians find echoes around the world because the peoples of the world see their fate in the palestinian struggle.

The walls are tumbling. Millions are marching for Gaza in Washington DC, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, London, and within Israel itself, where there is an embattled movement to oppose Zionism. In fact, jewish leadership in the US marches, through organizations such as Jewish Voice for Peace is strategically vital as it reveals the lie that opposing Zionism and Israel's repression of palestinians is tantamount to anti-semitism. It is the zionist and apologists for Israel who are now openly allying themselves with far-right fascists in Europe and the United States!

Again, we humbly salute your valient efforts to stop the bombs and break the siege of Gaza. The mexican people are speaking clearly and firmly, so much so that their voices are being heard around the world. 

We cannot help but ask, with the fullest respect for the sovereignty of the mexican people, how is it that President López Obrador cannot hear them? We wonder, how is it that President López Obrador cannot see the same intentions, even the same methods, in Israel's brutality against the palestinian people and US imperialist policies towards the peoples of Mexico and Latin America?
President López Obrador is not the only leader to play the old game of "hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil." Cynical leaders are sadly the rule, and as far as we can see, there are few if any exceptions.

Gaza is today the epicenter of a global earthquake, a horrific crisis of human suffering, but palestinians are not the only people confronting genocide and ethnic cleansing, mass incarceration and brutal repression. Right next door in Syria, the Assad regime has driven half the population from their homes and seven million souls into exile and refugee camps, with bombs and sieges, murdering a million people and imprisoning more than a hundred thousand. Yet the dictator Assad participates in forums of Arab leaders on behalf of palestinian human rights! Not one of these so-called leaders can in good faith claim to respect human rights! The murderous regime in Iran claims to be part of an "axis of resistance" even as it carries out brutal repression against ethnic minorities and women. These leaders cannot be allowed to speak for the solidarity movement we are building!

Humanity can overcome the global crisis. We can overcome the terrifying crisis of environmental collapse, of a renewed arms race to self-destruction, of genocides and ethnic cleansing. Even as the people of Gaza endure horrific pain, their resistance inspires hope, their appeals for solidarity are being answered. We can stop the bombs, we can tear down the walls--all of them--free the political prisoners--everywhere--and we can build hope with the struggle to stop the murderous israeli war machine, to tear down its walls, and win freedom for the thousands it holds imprisoned. 

Gaza fights for humanity and we must fight for Gaza!

In solidarity

Anti-War Committees in Solidarity with the Struggles for Self-Determination